Title: | Turner & Grimes Trio w/ Kat Fucile @ Dragonhorn Tavern | Date: | 11/10/2024 (Sunday) | Address: | Dragon Horn Tavern, 2906 Juan Tabo Blvd NE | Location: | Albuquerque, NM | Hours: | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 505-400-8493 |
Details: | Our debut at the famous/infamous Dragonhorn Tavern! One of Mike's regular gigs with the "Other" band. It's good to be back after 4 years! C'mon out and support Acoustic Sundays at DH. Acoustic acts every Sunday afternoon! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |