Title: | Beverly Airshow 2024 | Date: | 9/14/2024 - 9/15/2024 | Address: | Beverly Regional Airport, 50 L P Henderson Rd, Beverly, MA 01915, USA, | Location: | Beverly, MA | Hours: | 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | $35.75 per person. Family Packages available! | Web Page: | https://www.beverlyairshow.com | Contact Info: | 978-992-7158
Details: | Performing are Galen Killam in "Hammer Head", GhostWriter in his DHC-1 Chipmunk, Jason Flood in his Pitts S-12, Manfred Radius in his Salto Sailplane, RJ Gritter in his Decathlon aerobatic trainer, Trevor Rafferty in his Pitts 12, Warbird Thunder's T-6 Texan.
At noon The Misty Blues all women Skydiving team will perform.
13 Food Trucks!
On display: 1991 Pitts S-2B, B-25J Mitchell Bomber, Beechcraft T-6 Texan 2, V-22 Osprey, C130 Hercules, P-40M Warhawk, P-51D Mustang and a TBM-3E Avenger.
VIP seating available as well as Family Packages. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Shows, Air Shows | Submitted by: | Flight4CF |