Title: | Odyssey Opera presents Of Thee I Sing and Let ‘Em Eat Cake | Date: | 10/12/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St | Location: | Boston, MA | Hours: | 7:30?PM - 10:30?PM | Cost/Cover: | Tickets from $35; Student tickets $10 | Contact Info: | 617-826-1626 |
Details: | Odyssey Opera opens its 2024-2025 season with two Gershwin shows for an evening of fun with double the delight, all presented in partnership with Boston Modern Orchestra Project (BMOP).
The Pulitzer Prize-winning Of Thee I Sing introduces presidential candidate John P. Wintergreen who campaigns on a "love" platform and promises to marry beauty pageant winner Diana Devereaux. When pageant coordinator Mary Turner turns heads with her scrumptious corn muffins, strategies are scuttled. Will the presidency survive the scandal?
President Wintergreen returns in sequel Let 'Em Eat Cake, entering the merch business to find tremendous success in shirts - and marketing slogans. After a Supreme Court appeal to overturn election results, a march on Washington, D.C., and a baseball game with the highest of stakes at play, can order be restored to the republic?
Secure seats now to revel in a timely - and hilarious - critique of the U.S. presidential tradition. One night only at Jordan Hall in Boston.
Cast & Creative // https://odysseyopera.org/of-thee-i-sing-let-em-eat-cake/Tickets from $35Student tickets $10 |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |