Title: | Léwuga Benson, Fueling Change: A Multimedia Exploration of Niger Delta’s Oil Crisis | Date: | 7/26/2024 - 9/7/2024 | Address: | Buffalo Arts Studio, Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street, Suite 500, Buffalo, NY 14214 | Location: | Buffalo, NY | Hours: | Tuesday - Friday: 11 am–5 pm, Saturday: 10 am–2 pm | Cost/Cover: | $3 sugested donation | Contact Info: | (716) 833-4450 |
Details: | Buffalo Arts Studio presents Léwuga Benson’s Fueling Change: A Multimedia Exploration of Niger Delta’s Oil Crisis. Benson’s immersive, multimedia exhibition will shed light on the harsh realities of oil extraction and its effects on the indigenous people of the Niger Delta in Western Nigeria, his homeland. Through a thought-provoking combination of artifacts, found footage, and sound, visitors will be transported into the lives of those most affected, raising awareness and fostering dialogue about the social, economic, and environmental consequences of unregulated oil extraction practices.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |