Title: | Elgar and Brahms | Date: | 10/12/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | Sanders Theatre, Bank of America, 45 Quincy St | Location: | Cambridge, MA | Hours: | 7:30?PM | Cost/Cover: | A $50.00; B $30.00; Students, Seniors: $10; Obstructed View: $10 | Contact Info: | team@kendallsquareorchestra.org |
Details: | Kristo Kondakci, conductorAlan Toda-Ambaras, cello
BACH/ELGAR Fantasia and FugueELGAR Cello ConcertoBRAHMS Symphony No. 3
Join the Kendall Square Orchestra for an unforgettable evening celebrating the human spirit with "Perseverance & Gratitude." This opening concert features the majestic reimagining of Bach's Fantasia and Fugue by Elgar, the deeply moving Elgar Cello Concerto performed by acclaimed cellist Alan Toda-Ambaras, and Brahms' Symphony No. 3, a masterpiece of emotional depth and resilience. Immerse yourself in music that honors the strength to overcome challenges and the beauty of gratitude. Be part of a night that promises to inspire and uplift.
Ticket PricingA $50.00B $30.00Students, Seniors: $10Obstructed View: $10 |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |