Title: | Dandelion | Date: | 8/9/2024 - 8/24/2024 | Address: | Trustus Theatre, 520 Lady St, Columbia, SC 29201 | Location: | Columbia, SC | Hours: | Thursday - Saturday: 8:00pm, Aug 18: 2:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $30 - $35 | Web Page: | https://trustus.org/event/dandelion/ | Contact Info: | 803-254-9732 |
Details: | Jane and Delilah are forced to confront profound questions of guilt, responsibility, and sacrifice as Jane must decide between attending college in pursuit of her lifelong dreams, or staying home to care for Delilah – who is locked in a desperate battle with severe mental illness and opioid addiction.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | contributed |