Title: | The Taste of Concord 2024 | Date: | 10/15/2024 (Tuesday) | Address: | Nashoba Brooks School Gymnasium, 200 Strawberry Hill Road, Concord, MA 01742 | Location: | Concord, MA | Hours: | 6:00 - 8:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | 45.00 | Web Page: | http://www.concordchamberofcommerce.org | Contact Info: | info@concordchamberofcommerce.org |
Details: | Enjoy a lively evening of flavors from local food establishments and partake in guided tastings presented by West Concord Wine & Spirits with over 50 wines, craft beers, artisanal spirits and mocktails.
Bid on Silent Auction items and vote for your favorite culinary experiences while enjoying live entertainment throughout the event.
Tickets are $45.00 in advance and you must be 21 years or older to purchase and enter the event.
For tickets and more information: concordchamberorfcommerce.org
Audience: | Adults | Category: | Fundraiser | Sponsored By: | Concord Chamber of Commerce | Submitted by: | Andrea Roessler |