Title: | Never Too Late By Sumner Arthur Long | Date: | 7/19/2024 - 8/4/2024 | Address: | Cultural Arts Center Theatre/Sara Belle November Stage, 2880 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060 | Location: | Glen Allen, VA | Hours: | Thursday - Saturday: 8:00pm, Sunday: 3:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $8 - $10 | Web Page: | https://artsglenallen.webflow.io/performances-and-special-ev ... | Contact Info: | 804-261-2787 (ARTS) |
Details: | This good old fashioned domestic farce is about a married man in his fifties who suddenly learns he's becoming a father again. His last child, a girl, was born 24 years ago and, considering the fool she married, he finds the prospect of another unthinkable. Plus, his previously meek little wife befins to lay down the law. There's to be a nursery, a new bath, and she's to have her own checking account. Such dour capitulation you'll never see again. Plain, simple and old-fashioned laughter!
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |