Title: | Frida Kahlo: Through the Lens of Nickolas Muray | Date: | 6/29/2024 - 10/13/2024 | Address: | Upcountry History Museum , 540 Buncombe Street, Greenville, SC 29601 | Location: | Greenville, SC | Hours: | Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Sunday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Cost/Cover: | free - $12 | Web Page: | https://www.upcountryhistory.org/exhibitions-events/changing ... | Contact Info: | 864.467.3100 |
Details: | In its commitment to connecting people, history, and culture, the Upcountry History Museum will present FRIDA KAHLO: THROUGH THE LENS OF NICKOLAS MURAY, an exhibition organized by the Nickolas Muray Photo Archives and managed by GuestCurator Traveling Exhibitions. On display June 29 through October 13, 2024, the exhibit presents an intimate look at Frida Kahlo, Mexico’s most prolific and well-known female artist, through the camera lens of photographer Nickolas Muray. In May 1931, Muray (1892-1965) traveled to Mexico on vacation where he met Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), a woman he would never forget. The two started a romance that continued, both on and off for the next ten years and a friendship that lasted until her death in 1954.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | Lewis Koon 9 n washington ave apt d ,greenville, SC |
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