Title: | SIHA Summer Series - Wolverines in Winter | Date: | 9/13/2024 (Friday) | Address: | , The Community Library,415 Spruce Ave North, | Location: | Ketchum, ID | Hours: | 5:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | free | Contact Info: | 208-721-5658 |
Details: | presented by Kimberly Heinemeyer, PhD Kim will provide an overview of the little known and little understood wolverine, a species that occupies the mountains around us but which many of us have never seen or even realized were our neighbors. She will share results of research she and collaborators completed in central Idaho on wolverine responses to backcountry winter recreation and preview efforts to continue to monitor this elusive species. Please RSVP to help the Community Library prepare for this free event. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |