Title: | Epic Glass Recycling Drop Off | Date: | 1/20/2024 - 9/21/2024 | Address: | Guillermo's Gourmet Coffee, 10700 N Rodney Parham Rd, Ste A2 | Location: | Little Rock, AR | Hours: | 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 501-228-4448 |
Details: | We're hosting an event of EPIC proportions.
Start gathering you glass and come drop it off with Epic Glass Recycling. They are hustling to collect glass for all the right reason while bettering the State of Arkansas.
We are all about community partnerships and are so excited for this one.
to ensuring a better and healthier future for Arkansas with our new Glass Recycling Program to eliminate glass from our over-flowing landfills, reduce environmental concerns, and reduce manufacturing costs.
3% OF ENERGY is reduced by using recycled glass in manufacturing.
1 TON of natural resources is saved for every ton of glass recycled.
6 TONS of recycled glass equates to 1 ton less CO2 (carbon dioxide).
8 JOBS are created for every 1,000 tons of glass recycled.
Here at Epic Glass, we have dedicated our efforts to closing the glass loop so that each piece of glass is recycled into new products. From being indefinitely recyclable to creating jobs, glass is a major resource that needs to be utilized better in our state. With your help we can save energy and reduce waste all while making Arkansas more beautiful. We are proud to take on the responsibility to handle central Arkansas glass recycling.
Come on out and see us! We can't wait to serve you! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |