Title: | 2023 Wilson Fellowship: Danny Broadway, Claire Hardy, Thad Lee, and John Ruskey | Date: | 7/14/2024 - 9/29/2024 | Address: | Dixon Gallery & Gardens, 4339 Park Avenue, Memphis , TN 38117 | Location: | Memphis, TN | Hours: | Tuesday-Saturday: 10am - 5pm, Sundays: 1pm - 5pm, Third Thursdays 10 am - 8 pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.dixon.org/2023-wilson-fellowship-danny-broadway- ... | Contact Info: | (901) 761-5250 |
Details: | In 2023, the Dixon launched a partnership with the town of Wilson, Arkansas, to help bring cultural activity to the Arkansas Delta through an artist residency program. The Dixon selected four artists for the inaugural cohort of Wilson Fellows, Danny Broadway, Claire Hardy, Thad Lee, and John Ruskey, to pilot the program and mine the region’s unique landscape for creative inspiration. Throughout the late spring, summer, autumn, and early winter, the 2023 Fellows planted roots in the community, visually documenting Wilson’s landscape and its people as both the seasons and the town itself evolved. The 2023 inaugural class of Wilson Fellows are a diverse group, all of whom found Wilson and its surrounding environment to be inspiring. Memphis-based painter and educator Danny Broadway’s contemplative graphite drawings and oil painting distill the people and landscapes of Wilson into iconic images of the Arkansas Delta.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |