Title: | Luminous Night | Date: | 12/14/2024 - 12/15/2024 | Address: | Rupert A. Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport, MA 01833 | Location: | Newburyport, MA | Hours: | 12.14 - 7:30, 12.15 - 2:30 | Cost/Cover: | $5.00 to $35.00 | Web Page: | http://www.newburyportchoralsociety.org/events | Contact Info: | Questions? Call 978-462-0650 |
Details: | Under the direction of Music Director, Minji Kim, the 120 member Newburyport Choral Society will present a selection of seasonal music exploring the themes of love, joy, remembrance and spiritual connection accompanied by piano, organ, percussion, and a string quartet. Featured selections include "Luminous Night" by Ola Gjeilo, carols arranged with rich textures by Alice Parker and other seasonal favorites. For further information and to purchase tickets, visit www.newburyportchoralsociety.org/events. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Music | Sponsored By: | NCS | Submitted by: | Recording Secretary |