Title: | Kids in Focus Photography Exhibit | Date: | 8/2/2024 - 9/29/2024 | Address: | Herberger Theater Center, 222 East Monroe Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, | Location: | Phoenix, AZ | Hours: | 12:00pm - 4:30pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://herbergertheater.org/events/kids-in-focus-exhibit/ | Contact Info: | 602-252-8497 |
Details: | An exhibit featuring the artwork of Kids in Focus. Kids in Focus is a nonprofit organization mentoring youth to overcome adversity and build resilience through the art of photography. Since 2012, Kids in Focus has been putting cameras in kids’ hands with the guidance and encouragement of adult mentors – many who are avid and professional photographers. Following a training program, these skilled mentors use photography to connect, engage, and encourage life-long creativity. Kids in Focus collaborates with local schools, nonprofit community partners, and foster care programs to engage valley youth through our signature After School Mentoring Program, workshops, and the Grads in Focus Program.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |