Title: | Redeployment: 2nd Annual Fundraiser For The Veterans Memorial Building | Date: | 9/28/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | 300 N Johnson Ave | Location: | Pocatello, ID | Hours: | 5:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 208-232-9960 |
Details: | Join us for a 1940's deployment themed dinner fundraiser. Enjoy dinner, entertainment, auction and fun with your family and friends. Help raise funds to stabilize the foundation of the Veterans Memorial Building. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Fundraiser | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | | Nick Nielson 120 North 12th Avenue Suite 2 P.O. Box 6159 ,Pocatello, ID |
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