Title: | Water Protectors: Exploring Indigenous Identity and Climate Change (all ages) | Date: | 11/16/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | 2044 Columbus Ave | Location: | Roxbury, MA | Hours: | 2:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 617-445-4340 |
Details: | When kids look at maps of the US, they are taught to see its land and waters in terms of who owns or controls them. But what if there were a different way of seeing these places - and what if that different way of seeing held the key to protecting our planet? In this all-ages interactive workshop with Wee the People (www.weethepeopleboston.org), we explore the sacred connection Indigenous peoples have nurtured with water and land for thousands of years |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | Tara White 1901 beacon street 3 apt. 3 ,brookline, MA |
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