Title: | Amidst Cries from the Rubble: Art of Loss and Resilience from Ukraine | Date: | 6/23/2024 - 4/20/2025 | Address: | Museum of International Folk Art, 706 Camino Lejo, on Museum Hill, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505, | Location: | Santa Fe, NM | Hours: | 10:00am - 5:00pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $12 | Web Page: | https://www.internationalfolkart.org/exhibition/6019/amidst- ... | Contact Info: | (505) 476-1204 |
Details: | The exhibition will feature large-scale color photographs and objects from war-torn Ukraine. Appropriating remnants of war—bullet and shell casings, helmets, ammunition boxes—the exhibition will explore how Ukrainians are coping with the daily trauma of death, loss, and destruction that comes from their lived experience. Items of war are reclaimed and reimagined as sites of human creativity by children, spouses, parents, injured soldiers, and artists in a way that reflects Ukrainian cultural perspectives and folk-art practices. This creative experience presents opportunities to heal and process what is happening around them, providing strength, resilience, remembrance, and hope for a peaceful tomorrow.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |