Title: | HONK! Festival: 19th annual, this year featuring 30+ activist streets bands. | Date: | 10/4/2024 - 10/6/2024 | Address: | Davis Square and surrounding areas, Somerville, MA 02144 | Location: | Somerville, MA | Hours: | Times vary depending on day. | Cost/Cover: | Free and open to all; held rain or shine. | Web Page: | https://honkfest.org/ | Contact Info: | info@honkfest.org, 781-285-8639 |
Details: | HONK! Festival 2024 has just revealed their participating bands roster for this year's 19th annual gathering of activist street musicians. Current count is at 30+ unplugged mobile bands, several who will travel some distance… as far away as Brazil, as well as from NOLA, Minneapolis (MN), NYC & Brooklyn (NY), Pittsburgh (PA), Austin (TX), Olympia & Seattle (WA), Madison (WI). With much representation from New England-based groups, HONK! 2024 will swell to a capacity of at least 29 bands, with several of those bands being as large as 30 or more players, all performing unplugged right on the streets of Davis and Harvard Squares.
For those who are not familiar, HONK! is an annual uproariously jubilant purposeful gathering held every October since 2006. The entire Festival is inspired by a commitment to social change through music, embodied in the powerful upbeat sounds generated by activist street bands who have traveled from near and far to participate in this particular annual HONK! Because, after all, this is where the HONK! movement all started, spawning many a HONK! elsewhere since then. Hence, this world-wide HONK! phenomenon even warrants its own wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honk . |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Music | Sponsored By: | HONK! Festival | Submitted by: | Mary Curtin |