Title: | Brass Band Christmas Concert- Salvation Amry | Date: | 12/12/2024 (Thursday) | Address: | 170 Pearl Street | Location: | Springfield, MA | Hours: | 6:30 PM | Cost/Cover: | FREE | Web Page: | https://www.facebook.com/westmassbrass/ | Contact Info: | Ken McCance 413-659-2622 |
Details: | This is the only evening performance of the West Mass Brass Band Christmas concert series for 2024. The Salvation Army Corps will be hosting us. The concert date is 12/12/24, starting at 6:30 PM.
The band will be performing a number of traditional and toe-tapping Christmas pieces, including a number of swing items that will leave you whistling on the way home!!
Come early and claim your seat! Bring the family or a friend. All are welcome. (The building is handicapped accessible) |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Concert | Sponsored By: | https://springfield.salvationarmy.org/springfield-mas/community-and-worship | Submitted by: | Ken McCance |