Title: | Christmas caroling at Unions Station-Springfield | Date: | 12/6/2024 (Friday) | Address: | 55 Frank B. Murray Street | Location: | Springfield, MA | Hours: | 6-8 PM | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://www.facebook.com/westmassbrass | Contact Info: | Ken McCance 413-659-2622 |
Details: | A quartet of select players from the West Mass Brass Band will be playing Christmas Carols for 2 hours (6-8 PM) on 12/6/24 at Union Station (under the clock).
We will be accepting red kettle donations for the Springfield Salvation Army's Christmas effort.
If you're traveling, make some plans to hang around and relax for a few minutes listening to some carols!
The local Springfield Cultural Council and Mass. Cultural Council are supporting this event with a grant. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Concert | Sponsored By: | Union Station-Springfield | Submitted by: | Ken McCance |