Title: | Battlegrounds 2024 | Date: | 9/21/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | Harmon Park Ave | Location: | Twin Falls, ID | Hours: | 8:00 AM | Cost/Cover: | $35 | Contact Info: | Nocturnal_DreamsCC@hotmail.com |
Details: | Battlegrounds 2024. This car show will be held at Harmon Park. You must pre-register for elite positions in the car show but for general admissions, you could pre-register or pay at the door. Food, cars, music, rap battle break, dance competition, low riders and more. Remember that we ask to leave all alcoholic beverages glass bottles at home. Elite positions are $35. General admission is 25 spectating is free. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |