Title: | Haunted Speakeasy (Worcester) | Date: | 10/12/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | Worcester Art Museum 55 Salisbury Street | Location: | Worcester, MA | Hours: | 8 - 11:59pm | Cost/Cover: | $100 | Contact Info: | hauntedspeakeasyevents@gmail.com |
Details: | This Halloween Season, the Historic Worcester Art turns into the Haunted Speakeasy! An over the top 1920s Haunted Party of your vintage dreams! Mobsters and Molls, Flappers and Bootleggers, Ghosts and Ghouls! IT'S THE ORIGINAL HAUNTED SPEAKEASY PARTY The veil lifts at the Worcester Art Museum to reveal scenes from Worcester (and the art and artifacts within)'s ghostly past. Specters from the final Halloween before the end of prohibition haunt the halls. Dance and enjoy spirits (booo!) and spirits (*wink*) as 1920s music (and contemporary songs reVAMPed for that flapper feel) play in the ballroom by Speakeasy Spectacle Niki Luparelli and the Grave Diggers! Interspersed with just the right amount of floor performances by some of New England’s best burlesque and variety acts! Prohibition Era Cocktails! Full Bar Available |
Audience: | 21 and Up | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | | | | | Loi Thai 328b Greenwood St Apt 21 ,Worcester, MA |
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