Title: | Ozzmosis - Halloween Show with Metal Godz | Date: | 10/19/2024 - 10/20/2024 | Address: | Rascals70 James St Suite 138 | Location: | Worcester, MA | Hours: | October 19 · 7pm - October 20 · 12am | Cost/Cover: | $15.00 | Contact Info: | MetalGodzBig4Tribute@gmail.com |
Details: | This is the most amazing Ozzy Tribute you will hear! The members of the band take great pride in creating the next best thing to a live Ozzy performance that transports you through time to experience the energy of Ozzy Osbourne capturing his solo career from Randy Rhoads to Zakk Wylde. As the song says, “You can’t kill rock-n-roll, it’s here to stay!” Ozzmosis proves it every time. Join us on this journey of classic metal and relive the complete Ozzy phenomenon. Opening is Metal Godz - Tribute to the Big 4 of Thrash: Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax & Slayer Doors at 7. Show Starts at 9 Tickets $15 in advance. $20 day of show. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |