Title: | The Harvey Ball | Date: | 10/4/2024 (Friday) | Address: | Mercantile Center, 100 Front St | Location: | Worcester, MA | Hours: | 5:30?PM | Cost/Cover: | Please see details below. | Contact Info: | 508-753-8278 |
Details: | On this 23rd anniversary of THE HARVEY BALL, we are pleased to honor the Coghlin Family - James Coghlin Sr., James Coghlin Jr., and Chris Coghlin of the Coghlin Companies, and Susan Mailman of Coghlin Electrical Contractors. Woven into the fabric of Worcester's history for more than 130 years, since 1885, John P. Coghlin, an engineering and manufacturing pioneer, founded Coghlin Electric Company, the family and its companies have been dedicated to serving the citizens and businesses of Worcester and the surrounding communities. The Coghlin family with its rich history truly makes our entire community smile! An inspiring evening is planned with live entertainment once again by The Midtown Horns, hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, food stations, live and silent auction items, and much more.
So, mark your calendars, purchase your tickets early, and join us for this memorable celebration! Ticket link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/rubhfw9
Early bird tickets are available through Wednesday, September 4, 2024VIP & The Harvey Ball - $175 per ticket (5:30 - 9:30PM)The Harvey Ball General Admission - $125 (6:30 - 9:30PM)
Tickets after September 4, 2024VIP & The Harvey Ball - $200 per ticket (5:30 - 9:30PM)The Harvey Ball General Admission - $150 (6:30 - 9:30PM)
Questions: contact Eleanor Houbre at eleanorhoubre@worcesterhistory.net or 508-753-8278 x107
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |