Title: | Waitress | Date: | 8/30/2024 - 10/13/2024 | Address: | Main Stage Theatre, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, 6901 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada, Colorado 80003 | Location: | Arvada, CO | Hours: | Wednesdays: 1:00pm & 7:30pm, Fridays: 7:30pm, Saturdays: 2:00pm & 7:30pm, Sundays: 2:00pm | Cost/Cover: | start at $56 | Web Page: | https://arvadacenter.org/events/waitress | Contact Info: | 720-898-7200 |
Details: | Jenna is a waitress and expert pie-maker trapped in a small town and a rocky marriage. Faced with an unexpected pregnancy, Jenna fears her dreams are out of reach - until a baking contest and a handsome doctor offer up a sweet taste of happiness. With the support of her quirky fellow waitresses and a new romance, Jenna finds the perfect recipe for courage. Based on the 2007 film by the same name, Waitress features original music and lyrics by Grammy winning musician Sara Bareilles (“Love Song,” “Brave”) and a book by Jessie Nelson. This delicious musical celebrates the power of friendship and chosen family, following your dreams, and the joy of a perfect pie.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |