Title: | Kelli Connell: Pictures for Charis | Date: | 9/20/2024 - 1/5/2025 | Address: | High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30309 | Location: | Atlanta, GA | Hours: | Tuesday–Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. / Sunday: 12 noon–5 p.m. | Cost/Cover: | free - $23.50 | Web Page: | https://high.org/exhibition/kelli-connell/ | Contact Info: | 404-733-4400 |
Details: | Debuting at the High this fall and co-organized with the University of Arizona Center for Creative Photography and the Cleveland Museum of Art, this groundbreaking exhibition will feature a powerful body of work by Kelli Connell (American, born 1974) that reconsiders the complicated relationship between writer Charis Wilson and photographer Edward Weston from a contemporary queer and feminist perspective. Through a close examination of Wilson’s prose and Weston’s photographs, Connell enriches our understanding of the couple and weaves their stories together with her own artistic practice. Using their publications and archives as a guide, Connell and her partner, Betsy Odom, traveled to locales where Wilson and Weston lived, made work, and spent time together. Along the way, Connell collaboratively made photographs of Odom that upend conventional notions of photographer and muse. She also photographed, in a raw and less idealized manner, the grand Western landscapes that Weston made iconic seventy-five years before.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |