Title: | The Nutcracker: A Child’s Tale Sponsored by Wolf Construction & Development | Date: | 11/30/2024 - 12/1/2024 | Address: | The Tower Theatre, 833 NW Wall St | Location: | Bend, OR | Hours: | 1:30 PM - 12:30 PM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 541-382-4055 |
Details: | Ticket pre-sales begin September 11th for cast and Tower members.
Academie de Ballet Classique Presents:The Nutcracker: A Child's TaleSponsored by Wolf Construction & Development
Saturday November 30th, 1:30pm & 6:00pm
Sunday December 1st, 12:00PM & 3:30PM
Don't miss our annual production of The Nutcracker. We are so excited to offer 4 shows again this year! Get your tickets today before we sell out! This show is always a magical experience, and a great holiday tradition.We'll see you there! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |