Title: | [title of show] | Date: | 8/23/2024 - 9/22/2024 | Address: | PrideArts Center, 4139 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60613 | Location: | Chicago, IL | Hours: | Fridays, Saturdays (no show Aug 24), Aug 26: 7:30pm; Sundays: 3:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $35 | Web Page: | https://www.pridearts.org/season-2024-2025-1-1 | Contact Info: | 773-857-0222 |
Details: | Jeff and Hunter, two struggling gay writers, hear about a new musical theatre festival. However, the deadline for submissions is a mere three weeks away. With nothing to lose, the pair decides to try to create something new with the help of their friends Susan and Heidi; and Larry on the eighty-eights. With the cast in place, they make a pact to write up until the festival’s deadline and dream about the show changing their lives. [title of show] -- taken from the space on the festival’s application form which asks for the “[title of show]” -- follows Hunter and Jeff and their friends on their journey through the gauntlet of creative self-expression. In the span of 90 minutes, they write and perform their show at the festival and learn lessons about themselves as people, friends and artists.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |