Title: | Neïl Beloufa: Humanities | Date: | 9/14/2024 - 11/10/2024 | Address: | The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 5811 South Ellis Avenue, Cobb Hall, Chicago, IL 60637 | Location: | Chicago, IL | Hours: | Wednesday - Friday: 12pm - 6pm / Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 6pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://renaissancesociety.org/exhibitions/556/humanities/ | Contact Info: | 773 702 8670 |
Details: | Neil Beloufa (b.1985, Paris) is an artist whose polymorphous practice spans sculpture, installations, and social and collective experiments. In a constant flirtation with failure, his work insistently interrogates the art field: its institutions and formats, its capacities and limitations. His critical stances, experimental openness, and ongoing search for alternative solutions have led him to explore the digital world and the novel forms of community that coalesce there. For his exhibition at the Renaissance Society, Beloufa considers the power of individual storytelling in building large-scale propaganda while riffing on the gamification of society and the trend of immersive art experiences. A custom, interactive multimedia system guides each visitor through the process of becoming the center of their own success story, creating a company, a cult, a political party. In the end, are those really any different?
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |