Title: | The House Of Ideas | Date: | 9/1/2024 - 10/6/2024 | Address: | City Lit Theater, 1020 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, IL 60660 | Location: | Chicago, IL | Hours: | Fridays, Saturdays, Sept 23 & 30: 7:30pm, Sundays: 3:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $12 - $35 | Web Page: | https://www.citylit.org/about-4 | Contact Info: | 773-293-3682 |
Details: | It was in the 1960s that Marvel Comics began creating dozens of memorable characters, one after another over a period of years, and built a single cohesive world for them to inhabit. In comic books, this was revolutionary. But the two men at the center of this renaissance struggle with the idea of credit now that they’ve made it something worth struggling over. The House of Ideas examines the rise of Marvel and the fraught relationship between the Lennon and McCartney of comic books, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Part Three of The Four-Color Trilogy, about the men and women who created a body of literature Americans both embraced and loathed.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |