Title: | Chickasha Festival of Light | Date: | 11/23/2024 - 12/31/2024 | Address: | Shannon Springs Park2400 S 9th St | Location: | Chickasha, OK | Hours: | 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm | Cost/Cover: | Festival of Light: FreeActivitiesIce Skating: $8 without skates / $12 with rentalFerris Wheel/Carousel: $5Carriage Rides: $8 / Child (Ages 3&under): Free | Web Page: | https://www.travelok.com/ie/listings/view.profile/id.15643/e ... | Contact Info: | 405-261-9505 |
Details: | Recognized as one of the top holiday light shows in the nation, the Chickasha Festival of Light features over 3.5 million twinkling lights in Shannon Springs Park. Drive through the displays and gaze in wonder at dazzling light scenes, animated displays and even a computer-animated light show synchronized to favorite holiday tunes. The centerpiece of the Chickasha Festival of Light is the iconic 172-ft Christmas tree that can be seen for miles around. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Festival | Submitted by: | contributed |