Title: | George Bellows: American Life in Print | Date: | 10/25/2024 - 2/9/2025 | Address: | Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45202 | Location: | Cincinnati, OH | Hours: | Tuesday - Sunday: 11am–5pm, Thursday 11am–8pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org/art/exhibitions/upcoming ... | Contact Info: | (513) 721-ARTS (2787) |
Details: | George Bellows (1882–1925) was a painter, illustrator, and printmaker. The exhibition will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the artist’s passing and feature 55 lithographs and drawings gifted and lent by Dr. James and Mrs. Lois Sanitato. Bellows chose to leave his native Columbus, Ohio, and moved to New York in 1904 to become a professional artist. He enrolled in the New York School of Art where he became a student of Robert Henri (1865–1929). Henri encouraged his students to move beyond European traditions, to open their eyes to contemporary life and the transformation of the New York urban environment. By the age of 26 Bellows had garnered critical acclaim, becoming the youngest elected member to the National Academy. During his 20-year career, his paintings captured the spirit and character of life in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Financially successful, in 1916, he set up set up a lithograph press in his studio at a time when the medium was associated with ephemeral commercial art and collectors’ favored etchings.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |