Title: | Imagination in the Age of Reason | Date: | 9/28/2024 - 3/2/2025 | Address: | Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106, | Location: | Cleveland, OH | Hours: | Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am – 5:00pm / Wednesday & Friday: 10:00am – 9:00pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.clevelandart.org/exhibitions/imagination-age-rea ... | Contact Info: | 216-421-7350 |
Details: | Although the Enlightenment period in Europe (about 1685–1815) has long been celebrated as “the age of reason,” it was also a time of imagination when artists across Europe incorporated elements of fantasy and folly into their work in creative new ways. Imagination in the Age of Reason, pulled from the CMA’s rich holdings of 18th-century European prints and drawings, explores the complex relationship between imagination and the Enlightenment’s ideals of truth and knowledge. During this unprecedented time, artists used their imaginations in multifaceted ways to depict, understand, and critique the world around them. The Enlightenment adopted a revolutionary emphasis on individual liberty, direct observation, and rational thought. Enlightenment society valued learning and innovation, encouraging an unprecedented flowering of knowledge with major advances in fields as diverse as art, philosophy, politics, and science. Important thinkers of the time questioned long-held beliefs, instead using scientific reasoning to uncover new, objective principles on which to base a modern society, free from superstition, passion, and prejudice.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |