Title: | East Troy Electric Railroad Christmas Trains | Date: | 11/30/2024 - 12/21/2024 | Address: | East Troy Railroad Museum2002 Church Street | Location: | East Troy, WI | Hours: | Trains depart at 9am, 10:30a;, noon, 1:30pm, and 3pm | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://www.easttroyrr.org/christmas-day-trains.html | Contact Info: | 262-642-3263 |
Details: | The East Troy Electric Railroad’s 2023 Christmas Train will take you on a magical ride from our East Troy depot to Santa's Workshop, located at The Elegant Farmer in Mukwonago. Children can visit Santa, enjoy cookies and hot chocolate, plus take home a special gift. The railroad cars are heated and bathrooms are available at the East Troy depot. Advance Reservations Are Required. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Outdoors and Nature | Submitted by: | contributed |