Title: | WINTER METAL SHOWCASE (feat. No Advocate, Beheading the Icon, Death Hex, Ruthless Hustle) | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | Michiana Education and Arts Club, 1165 Edwardsburg Ave | Location: | Elkhart, IN | Hours: | 6:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | $10 | Contact Info: | premiumbookingrecording@gmail.com |
Details: | Premium Booking & Recording and Michiana Education and Arts Club are proud to present a winter metal showcase featuring No Advocate (shooting a live music video!!!), Beheading the Icon, Death Hex, and Ruthless Hustle.
No Advocate (NWI Metalcore) *shooting a live music video!!!*https://www.facebook.com/NoAdvocateBeheading The Icon (Chicago Melodic Deathcore)https://www.facebook.com/BeheadingTheIconDeath Hex (Toledo Progressive Metalcore)https://www.facebook.com/deathhextoledoRuthless Hustle IN (Indiana Cornfield Metal)https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555547204802
Saturday November 30thMichiana Education and Arts Club1165 Edwardsburg Ave Elkhart, IN$10 // Doors at 6, show at 7ALL AGES |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | | | T Butler 23027 SCOTTSWOOD CT ,ELKHART, IN |
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