Title: | Reality Trip | Date: | 8/31/2024 - 10/12/2024 | Address: | Northern Sky’s Gould Theater, 9058 County Rd A, Fish Creek, WI 54212 | Location: | Fish Creek, WI | Hours: | Aug 31, Sept 2, Tuesdays - Fridays: 7:00pm; Saturdays: 2:00pm & 7:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $20 - $38 | Web Page: | https://northernskytheater.com/show/reality-trip/ | Contact Info: | 920-854-6117 |
Details: | Reality Trip follows three college friends vacationing in Door County who want to get off the grid and reconnect. But a charming (and infinitely helpful) A.I. home-assistant installed at their rental cottage changes up the plans. What does it take for us to truly unplug nowadays? This musical comedy is about the importance of real human connection in a distraction-filled, digital world.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |