Title: | Merry Messy Makers - Marbled Christmas Tree Ornaments | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | 113 Hermitage Dr | Location: | Florence, AL | Hours: | 10:00 AM | Cost/Cover: | Merry Messy Maker's is $15 per child! | Contact Info: | 256-624-7866 |
Details: | This fun invitation to make class utilizes different materials to make! This week we are going to break out the shaving foam and create beautiful ornaments!
Children can take their projects at the end of class.
To register for our November 20 Merry Makers Class please fill out the form below. Parents are invited to stay and enjoy our waiting area or drop off and pick up!
Spaces are limited.
Sign up here:https://www.shoalseer.org//merry-messy-makers-november
Merry Messy Maker's is $15 per child! Contact us for more information!This is a pop up class in honor of Thanksgiving Break!
Messy Maker fees are non refundable but you can request to transfer them to a different event up to 24hrs before this event starts.
Our philosophy is that children learn best through hands on, play based experiences and we want to nurture a spirit of play within each child!
Come dressed for a little mess! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |