Title: | 5K/10K Race _ Ampersand Running Club | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | 3009 Bledsoe St | Location: | Fort Worth, TX | Hours: | 8:00 AM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 682-707-9626 |
Details: | Join us for the 2nd Annual ARC 5K/10K on Saturday, November 30th, benefiting NICA Fort Worth!
REGISTRATION INCLUDES* 5k or 10k Race* Race Bib with Timing Chip* Performance Finisher Shirt* Custom Finisher Medal* Complimentary Professional Photos* Drink Coupon redeemable for one Ampersand Hot Chocolate or one Maestro Tacos Margarita* Food Coupon redeemable at one food truck* Access to Post-Race Celebration with live DJ entertainment, vendor pop-ups and raffles
VENDORS*On *Ghost Hydration*Socorro Tequila*Body Machine Fitness*Fitish Beauty*Maestro Tacos*B4 Barbeque
AWARDS* 1st place Male & Female of the 5k will receive a pair of running shoes + suite of Ghost Hydration products* 1st place Male & Female of the 10k will receive a pair of running shoes + suite of Ghost Hydration products* Custom Trophy for the Top 3 Male & Female in the following age groups: 14-24, 25-44, 45+* Raffle for FREE Ampersand Coffee For A Year
PACKET PICK UP* ARC Social Run - Monday, November 25th at 6:30PM* ARC Social Run - Thursday, November 28th at 6:30PM* Race Day - Saturday, November 30th at 7AM
FOOD & CLOTHES DRIVEWe are partnering with NICA Fort Worth to support local families in need! We encourage participants & spectators to donate non-perishable food and clothes. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |