Title: | CATS | Date: | 8/2/2024 - 9/8/2024 | Address: | Springer Stage, 810 South Austin Ave. | Georgetown, Texas 78626 | Location: | Georgetown, TX | Hours: | Friday & Saturday: 7:30pm, Sunday: 2:30pm | Cost/Cover: | call 512-869-SHOW (7469) for ticket prices | Web Page: | https://www.georgetownpalace.com/shows/2023-2024-season/ | Contact Info: | 512-869-SHOW (7469) |
Details: | CATS is set amongst a larger-than-life junkyard playground and is alive with purr-fect felines including Rum Tum Tugger, Mr. Mistoffelees, Macavity, Jennyanydots, Old Deuteronomy, Skimbleshanks and Grizabella. The Jellicle Cats come out to play on one special night of the year—the night of the Jellicle Ball. One by one they tell their stories for the amusement of Old Deuteronomy, their wise and benevolent leader, who must choose one of the Cats to ascend to The Heaviside Layer and be reborn into a whole new Jellicle life.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Play | Submitted by: | contributed |