Title: | Plants and Their Place in the Rocky Mountain Region | Date: | 9/27/2024 - 11/3/2024 | Address: | Holter Museum of Art , 12 E. Lawrence St., Helena, MT 59601, | Location: | Helena, MT | Hours: | Tuesdays - Saturdays: 10am - 5:30pm, Sundays: 12pm - 4pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $10 | Web Page: | https://holtermuseum.org/exhibitions/plants-and-their-place- ... | Contact Info: | (406) 442-6400 |
Details: | The Rocky Mountain region encompasses a wide range of plant communities and habitats, most notably the true alpine regions – places of harsh conditions and quirky microclimates. Despite their unique survival mechanisms, many Rocky Mountain plant communities are fragile and at risk from even small environmental changes. Plants and Their Place in the Rocky Mountain Region, produced by the artists of the RMSBA, highlights the diversity, beauty, and environmental importance of these plants. This exhibition builds on RMSBA’s long and successful history of illuminating our region’s botanical beauty and chronicling what’s at risk in our changing climate. In researching and recreating their botanical subjects, our artists are tireless. To ensure scientific accuracy, they track down difficult-to-find plant populations, narrowly distributed ecosystems, and herbaria at local botanical gardens and academic institutions and roam the high-elevation ranges and varied habitats of the Rocky Mountains region.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |