Title: | Annual Shop Small Saturday Party | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | 13 Harbourside Ln | Location: | Hilton Head Island, SC | Hours: | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | Please call or email for ticket info/cost. | Contact Info: | 843-785-6424 |
Details: | Celebrate and support local businesses! Enjoy complimentary refreshments provided by Hilton Head Social Bakery while you shop for unique art made by North American Artists Support Local: Celebrate and support local businesses that make our community unique. Exclusive Deals: Enjoy special offers and discounts available only during the event. Free Treats: Indulge in complimentary snacks, drinks, and sweet treats while you shop. Fun Activities: spin the wheel for a discounts! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Party | Submitted by: | contributed |