Title: | Twas the Light Before Christmas Honolulu | Date: | 11/22/2024 - 12/5/2024 | Address: | Hawaii Convention Center, 1801 Kalakaua Ave. | Location: | Honolulu, HI | Hours: | 11am - 9pm | Cost/Cover: | pls contact 800-441-0819 for tickets info. | Contact Info: | 800-441-0819 |
Details: | Get ready for an extraordinary holiday adventure! 'Twas the Light Before Christmas Honolulu invites you to stroll through a wonderland of light full of holiday music, delicious treats, and heartwarming moments. Whether you’re looking to create cherished memories with family and friends or simply soak in the holiday magic, ‘Twas the Light Before Christmas offers an unforgettable experience for all ages! Opens at the Hawai'i Convention Center on November 22 . |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | | | | | John Setu 2755 Kapiolani Blvd Apt 22 ,Honolulu, HI |
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