Title: | Sleeping Beauty the Musical | Date: | 11/17/2024 - 12/22/2024 | Address: | Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston (MATCH), 3400 Main St., Houston, TX 77002 | Location: | Houston, TX | Hours: | Nov 17, 24 & Dec 22: 12pm & 3:30pm; Nov 25-27: 1:30pm; Nov 29-30, Dec 21: 1:30pm & 7pm, Dec 6: 7pm; Dec 7 & 14: 10am & 1:30pm | Cost/Cover: | $17.50 - $44 | Web Page: | https://mainstreettheater.com/sleeping-beauty-the-musical/ | Contact Info: | 713-521-4533 |
Details: | Cursed as a child, Aurora has been raised in hiding until the day comes when she can return to the Kingdom and take her rightful place as Princess of Australis. Join us this Holiday season at Sleeping Beauty The Musical, an enchanting musical that follows the story of courageous Aurora and her Handsome Prince.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | contributed |
| Mary Ty 2539 South Gessner, ste. 24 ,Houston, TX |
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