Title: | The Slime Pit: A Toys for Tots Gift Collection Charity Event | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | The Gem, 216 1st St | Location: | Idaho Falls, ID | Hours: | 7:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | The cost of entry is one new, unopened toy. That's it. It can be of any value whatsoever. | Contact Info: | 208-557-1192 |
Details: | Vacant Gate and The Idahoan present The Slime Pit, a Toys for Tots charity event on Saturday, November 30th, at The Gem on 1st street.
What is "The Slime Pit?" you may ask We'll get to that below. But first
The holidays are fast approaching and we want to help make them just a bit more special for underprivileged children by organizing a toy drive for the US Marine Corps Reserve Toys For Tots Program. And helping is simple!!! All you gotta do is come and party with east Idaho's best EDM artists and DJs at The Gem on November 30th, the day after Black Friday.
The cost of entry is one new, unopened toy. That's it. It can be of any value whatsoever. It just has to be new and unopened. And, nobody will be turned away from coming to have a good time with us. We'll make sure you have a toy to donate
Now that the imortant stuff is out of the way, what is "The Slime Pit?" If you grew up in the 1980's (most of you probably didn't), then you knew what He-Man and The Masters Of The Universe are. The Slime Pit was a toy set that allowed you to slime your He-Man action figures with toxic ooze, rengering them into a spineless mass of suffering and decay. Basically, The Slime Pit is where bass music comes from. And The Slime Pit is where East Idaho comes to party, dance, and rage for a great cause.
At this event, you will see a literal Slime Pit. And people are going to get slimed. For real. It's going to get slimy.
Your slimy entertainers include (in alpha-order):
BraindeaddDvlt3DHailz to the YesKNNYPabloPsycheRapzlT-EngineThe IdahoanTryvmphVacant GateZenny
We are excited to have you for witness this slimy event. Let's have a party! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Special Events | Submitted by: | contributed |