Title: | OCAG233 Whimsical Watercolors | Date: | 9/11/2024 - 10/23/2024 | Address: | Ocean County Artists Guild, 22 Chestnut Avenue, Island Heights, NJ 08732 | Location: | Island Heights, NJ | Hours: | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm | Cost/Cover: | Pricing is available on the OCAG website | Web Page: | https://www.ocartistsguild.org/event/ocag233-whimsical-water ... | Contact Info: | Guild Office at 732-270-3111 or info@ocartistsguild.org |
Details: | 6 Weeks, Sept. 11, 18, Oct. 2, 9, 16 & 23 (no class Sept 25th); 9:30 – 12noon
Whimsical Watercolors: A 6-Week Journey in Painting Pets, Faces, and Houses Instructor: Leona Lavone (wc-adult, beginner)
Unlock your creativity and dive into the magical world of whimsical watercolor painting in this 6-week class! Perfect for beginners and experienced artists alike, this course will guide you through the enchanting process of bringing adorable pets, expressive faces, and charming houses to life with watercolor. Complete information on website. |
Audience: | 18 and Up | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Sponsored By: | Ocean County Artists Guild | Submitted by: | Office Administrator |