Title: | Lamplighters Theatre presents Twas the Night Before Christmas, by Ken Ludwig | Date: | 11/29/2024 - 12/15/2024 | Address: | 5915 Severin Drive, La Mesa CA 91942 | Location: | La Mesa, CA | Hours: | Fridays and Saturday - 7:30 pm, Sundays - 2:00 pm. THE SECOND SATURDAY OF THE RUN IS A MATINEE!!! | Cost/Cover: | Gen Adm: $27; Sen/Stu/Mil: $24; Groups: $22 | Web Page: | http://lamplighterslamesa.com | Contact Info: | For more information, contact box office at 619-303-5092
Contact Pam Stompoly regarding a ticket price for children under 12 -- it hasn't been posted yet! boxoffice@lamplighterslamesa.com - attn: Pam Stompoly |
Details: | Featuring: River Baig, Dani Guinn, Thomas Jarrett, Chris Miller, Matt Sayre, and Dani Ucman. ?'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." But wait. A mouse is stirring - because Santa missed his house last year. Before you can say “Merry Christmas,” we're off on the wild adventures of a mouse, an elf, and a spunky little girl who visit the North Pole and just won't take no for an answer. Don't miss this joyful tribute to the holiday season. This is definitely for children of all ages. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | Pamela Stompoly |
Null Namb 4700 Spring Street #180 ,La Mesa, CA |
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