Title: | Rustic Roots Pumpkin Patch | Date: | 9/21/2024 - 11/3/2024 | Address: | 105340 Greer Road | Location: | Lamont, OK | Hours: | Hours: Thursday - Saturday: Open 10am until dark Sunday: Open 1pm until dark | Cost/Cover: | Admission: $10 per personAges 2 and under & those over 65: FreePlease purchase tickets and season pass online. | Web Page: | https://rusticrootsevents.com/events/patch/ | Contact Info: | 580-716-3608 |
Details: | Fall is a fantastic time to visit Rustic Roots Pumpkin Patch in Lamont. Come out to enjoy fun activities like the playground, a petting zoo, jump pad, gift shop and more on a picturesque farm in north-central Oklahoma. Grab a seat on the hayride out to the pumpkin patch, where you can take home mini pumpkins, gourds and pie pumpkins, then return to explore the farm yard and navigate the 12-acre corn maze and the 8-acre milo maze. There is nothing better than shooting the corn cannon or taking a ride in the barrel train. Rustic Roots is definitely the place you will want to gather the family and enjoy a day on the farm making those treasured memories. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |