Title: | 31st Annual Methuen Festival of Trees | Date: | 11/23/2024 - 12/7/2024 | Address: | 13 Branch Street , | Location: | Methuen, MA | Hours: | 6pm | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://methuenfestivaloftrees.com/ | Contact Info: | 978-685-8878 |
Details: | Welcome to the Methuen Festival of Trees, the most magical and joyous holiday event of the season. Enjoy a tradition featuring over 300 beautifully and creatively decorated trees, mini-trees, and wreaths. The festival also includes a $5,000 cash raffle, an online auction, a holiday gift shop, a children’s scavenger hunt, and a visit with Santa. Kick off your holiday season with excitement and cheer, and if you’re lucky, you might even take home one of our trees for Christmas! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Festival | Submitted by: | contributed |