Title: | You, Me, Us: Finding Your Artistic Voice | Date: | 11/15/2024 - 2/9/2025 | Address: | Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, One Museum Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 | Location: | Montgomery, AL | Hours: | Tuesdays–Sundays: 10 AM–5 PM | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://mmfa.org/exhibition/you-me-us/ | Contact Info: | 334.625.4333 |
Details: | In conjunction with the South Art’s 2023 Southern Prize & State Fellowships for Visual Arts exhibition, we invite students to join this conversation by sharing work that tells their own stories. Jurors welcome a variety of artistic interpretations of the themes associated with identity: sense of place, sense of belonging, race, immigration, gender, disability, etc. The South Arts’ Fellows share their personal stories in their art by addressing issues of personal and cultural identity and representation.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |