Title: | Devon Ice Rink | Date: | 11/8/2024 - 2/2/2025 | Address: | Myriad Botanical Gardens, 211 N Robinson Ave | Location: | Oklahoma City, OK | Hours: | 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Cost/Cover: | Individuals: $14 per person / Includes skate rentalsIndividuals with skates: $9 per personMilitary: $9 | Web Page: | https://myriadgardens.org/visit-us/seasonal/devonicerink/ | Contact Info: | 405-445-7092 |
Details: | Get ready for another great winter of outdoor ice skating at the Devon Ice Rink in Oklahoma City's Myriad Botanical Gardens. This Downtown in December premier attraction returns for another festive season from November 2024 through February 2025. Skate across 5,500 square feet of real ice and indulge in seasonal food and beverage offerings, while losing yourself in a magical, park-like atmosphere surrounded by glittering lights. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Outdoors and Nature | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | Ni Zec 708 95TH ST NW ,OKLAHOMA CITY, OK |
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